Planological objects on the move. Towards a jurisprudence of ethnographic cases
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In common parlance, plans, sections, models and 3D models - which we refer to as 'planological objects' - are design, planning and representation 'tools' specific to the architectural and urban planning discipline. It is taken for granted that their use is a matter for 'specialists', requiring a high degree of 'technical' knowledge. Yet there are many people who seize upon these objects, decoding them, developing them, transmuting them or hijacking them in environments and situations that go well beyond the architectural or urban planning office. By placing them at the centre of an ethnographic study, we have observed them in their supposedly 'natural' environment - the 'biotope' of the office and the 'terrarium' of the workshop's educational system - and continue to follow them when they move into countries that might seem more hostile: territories where these 'tools of the trade' rub shoulders with non-architects. This article reports on our observations: the ways in which planological objects are engaged in different practices and how they in turn engage those who use them.
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