Invention and reinvention of 'generative programming' of projects: an opportunity for collaboration between architecture and the human and social sciences for 'sustainable' ways of living
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This article looks at the various developments in France of a method aimed at better analysis of social demand for housing: 'generative programming' of projects. It begins by reviewing the conditions of emergence, the contributions and the difficulties in disseminating this method, which was developed by researchers and practitioners at the Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment at the turn of the 1980s and 1990s. Based on iterative work between programming and design carried out by a social and human sciences specialist/architect team, the aim was to jointly explore issues of use, appropriation and subsequent management of spaces, as part of a concerted process involving the client and users. The contribution then looks at the way in which the increasing complexity of architectural and urban projects, linked to the diversification of the players involved, the economic uncertainties that make their feasibility more fragile, and the growing importance of sustainable development issues, has led in recent years to operational processes evolving in ways that incorporate a number of the principles of the generative programming method. The article is illustrated by examples from a number of research projects and experiments in which the author has taken part, focusing on the foundations and extensions of the method in the context of participatory processes. It shows the extent to which programming, as an activity enabling a community to define its expectations throughout the spatial design process, gives a truly operational dimension to the contributions of the human and social sciences in the field of architectural and urban production.
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