Looking back at an educational experience

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Victor Brunfaut
Graziella Vella
Bertrand Terlinden


The article introduces the dossier by looking back on two years of work on the theme of the Brussels mosque within an architectural project workshop. The research focused on the question of the architecture of the Muslim place of worship in a city such as Brussels, which was not designed around or based on it. This project research was developed from a survey of existing Brussels mosques. These surveys made it possible to take account of the variety and complexity of the mosques in a context where the phenomenon of their establishment has a certain historical depth, linked to the different waves of immigration. They have made it possible to reveal the mechanisms and processes of transformation of existing structures in order to install prayer rooms and mosques, often without the intervention of architects. The article shows, on the basis of examples taken from this survey work, but also on the basis of a series of student projects, the concrete questions raised by the specific programme of the mosque, mainly in its relationship to the public space (visibilisation). In the second season, the projects focused on the specific situation of the El Hikma mosque, located in the former Forest Baths. This case made it possible to work both on questions of the project process (aspects that are developed in two articles, one entrusted to a group of students, the other devoted to an interview with the architect of El Hikma, Stéphane Kervyn) and those of the mosque as a building in its relationship to the urban form.

Article Details

Thematic section
Author Biographies

Victor Brunfaut, Faculté d'Architecture La Cambre Horta - Université libre de Bruxelles

Victor Brunfaut (Tunis, 1967) is an architect (ISACF La Cambre, 1991) and has a doctorate in urban planning (Universities of Pescara and Roma-La Sapienza, Italy, 2003). He is developing a research activity on architecture and urban planning issues in the countries of the South (Maghreb, Africa). He has worked as an independent architect since 1995 and in the Karbon' office since 2007. He has been teaching architecture and urban planning at the La Cambre Institute of Architecture since 2003, now the La Cambre-Horta Faculty of Architecture of the Université libre de Bruxelles. He is affiliated with the HABITER research centre (ADP - Architecture, Development, Heritage) and, together with Graziella Vella and Bertrand Terlinden, is in charge of the Faculty's Terrains d'architecture project workshop.

Graziella Vella, Faculté d'Architecture La Cambre Horta - Université libre de Bruxelles

Graziella Vella is developing an "anthropology of the near" that questions the evidence of our models (State, city, knowledge, etc.) and the way in which they are constituted, circulate and define what differs from them. She was inspired in particular by the work of F. Deligny. She teaches at the Faculty of Architecture La Cambre-Horta of the Université libre de Bruxelles where she experiments with new forms of association and sharing of expertise that are the source of invention and not of levelling. She is a member of GECO (Group of Constructivist Studies, ULB).

Bertrand Terlinden, Faculté d'Architecture La Cambre Horta - Université libre de Bruxelles

Bertrand Terlinden (1965) is a doctor of architecture (IUA -Venice, 1996), practitioner and lecturer at the Faculty of Architecture La Cambre-Horta of the Université libre de Bruxelles. His research interests cover landscape, territory, sedimentation, town-country relations, the history of construction in Europe and architectural typology. He also conducts research and teaching projects in Morocco and the Democratic Republic of Congo. His writings, documents, projects and works in progress or completed can be consulted on his blog: www.betrandterlindenarchitecture.wordpress.com. 


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