In the Incas' footsteps. Pre-Columbian Architecture and Space Syntax
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Pre-Columbian America's monumental architecture presents an interesting challenge in terms of the use of and circulation in built spaces, as it is not documented by texts or data other than archaeology and the vestiges themselves. In this study, the challenge is taken up by using the concepts and methods of internal circulation systems analysis developed for contemporary architecture by Hillier and Hanson (The Social Logic of Space, 1984). In particular, access analysis is applied to the Inca palace of Puruchuco in Lima.
The results are complemented by data from excavations and vernacular iconography, and then compared with the analysis of the palaces and elite residences of the region before its incorporation into the Inca Empire. This shows that the Incas used local genotypes in the design of their own administrative and management structures, in order to better establish their authority through traditional habitus.
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