Login or Register to make a submission.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The paper is original, and has not been published before, neither partially nor integrally, nor in a foreign language, and it has not been submitted for publication to another journal (if otherwise, an explanation should be provided in the Comments to editors box).
  • Figures each have a caption following the instructions to authors
  • The article follows the template provided
  • The references follow the journal's guidelines
  • All quotes are referenced
  • Whenever possible, URLs/DOIs as well as consultation dates have been provided for all references.
  • All figures are prepared in separate files, and each has a minimum size (height or width) of minimum 945 pixels (or 8cm @ 300 dpi)


The submission of an article is a simple and fast process when properly prepared
Authors are asked to use the template in .doc format and follow the journal's instructions for authors.

Read the instructions contained in the Ensuring blind review page, and adapt your files accordingly.

Make sure your submission complies with the article length norms mentioned in the template.

Only articles responding to these criteria may be published in the journal.
The journal reserves the right to refuse submitted papers for publication.

Finally, prepare the following information:
- Get acquainted with the Copyright Notice (see below), you will have to approve its acceptance during submission;
- Get acquainted with the above Submission preparation checklist;
- Prepare your possible comments to the editor-in-chief (explanations or questions regarding doubts or partial non-compliance of your submission);
- Prepare your submission files (one single textual document complying with the template, and the separate files for illustrations);
- The title of your submission (and its possible sub-title);
- The abstract of your submission (respecting the max. length indicated in the template), possibly with a French translation (optional);
- A list of keywords; 
- For each author/contributor to the submission [the field marked with an asterisk are mandatory, other are optional]: *name(s), *family name(s), *email adress, *country, *host institution (or "independent"), ORCID id (see below), bio statement (100 words) possibly translated in French.

ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a nonproprietary alphanumeric code to uniquely identify scientific and other academic authors and contributors.
You can obtain your ORCID ID for free in only 30 seconds by registering here: https://orcid.org/register

Registering to the platform

Authors need to register with the journal prior to submitting or, if already registered, can simply log in and begin the five-step submission process.
The registration process is almost instantaneous if done with your ORCID id (temporarily disabled).

You should now have access to your user "Dashboard", that is the "operational" side of the website, which should look like this:

Should you not be able to see your "Dashboard", then you are probably still navigating on the website's "public" interface. Go to the upper right corner of the page, where you should see a button named after your personal username. Click on this button will roll-down the menu shown here below, and select "Dashboard".

Five-steps submission

When properly prepared, the submission process as such takes less then 15 minutes.
This process consists mainly in completing two online forms (preliminary data and submission metada) and in uploading your submission files.
We recommend you to follow our